iPhone OS Architecture

Neha Sharma
2 min readMar 7, 2019


iPhone os architecture consist of number if different software layers, each of which provides programming frameworks for the development of applications that run on the top of operating system.

iPhone OS Architecture

1. Cocoa Touch Layer

This layer sits at the top of the iPhone os stack and contains the frameworks that are most commonly used by iPhone application developers.

Cocoa Touch Layer provides following frameworks for iPhone App:

(i) UIKit Framework

(ii) MapKit Framework

(iii) Push Notification Services

(iv) Message UI Framework

(v) AddressBook UI Framework

(vi) GameKit Framework

2. Media Service Layer

This layer provides OS with audio, video, animation & graphics capabilities. Media Layer comprises a number of frameworks that can be utilized while developing iPhone App.

(i) Core Graphics Framework

(ii) Quatz Core Framework

(iii) iPhone Audio Support

(iv) AV Foundation Framework

(v) Core Audio Framework

(vi) Media Player Framework

3. Core Services Layer

This layer provides much of the foundation on which the above layes are built and consist of the following frameworks:

(i) AddressBook Framework

(ii) CoreData Framework

(iii) Core Foundation Framework

(iv) Foundation Framework

(v) Store Kit Framework

(vi) SQLite Library

4. Core OS Layer

This is the bottom layer of iPhone os stack and sits directly on the top of the device hardware. The layer provides a variety of services including low level networking, access to external accessories and the usual fundamentals operations system services such as memory management, file system handling and threads.

(i) CF Networks Framework

(ii) External Accessory Framework

(iii) Security Framework

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Neha Sharma
Neha Sharma

Written by Neha Sharma

Sr. iOS Developer & Free Time Blogger. I am both driven and self-motivated and constantly experimenting with new technologies and techniques.

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